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How do I apply my wig?

Applying a wig can be simple and easy, especially if you follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your hair: For the best results, it is recommended to tie up your hair with the free wig cap included with your order. This helps to keep your hair flat and prevents the wig from slipping.
  2. Adjust the wig size: Before you put the wig on, adjust the straps on the inside to fit your head comfortably. The wig should fit snugly, but not be too tight.
  3. Position the wig: Place the wig on your head and adjust it to sit comfortably. The front of the wig should sit just above your natural hairline, and the back of the wig should be pulled down to the nape of your neck.
  4. Secure the wig: Use the combs or clips on the inside of the wig to secure it to your hair. You can also use bobby pins for extra security.
  5. Style the wig: Once the wig is in place, you can style it as desired using a brush, comb, or styling products. 

With these steps, you should be able to apply a wig with ease.

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